Connect 2 Your Community


We live in a world that is connected by cell phones, social media, instant communication, and information at our fingertips daily.  Why not help your church stay up with what businesses and many people around you are doing?

What is that you might say?

How about using video communication to connect to your community around your local church?  You have the option of several different things;

  1.  Using video to communicate about your church
    1. Special services
    2. Activities
    3. Your location
    4. …and more
  2. Select the style of video you desire to use
    1. Avatar
    2. Kinetic
    3. Whiteboard (Most Popular)
  3. Use Scriptures in video to encourage your church
    1. Post them on Facebook
    2. Email them
    3. Use them for your Youtube Channel

There are many options you can have, so YCP’s focus is to give you the easy option of taking our videos and adding your information to it for your specific church.  If you would like more info or are interested, please contact us: